Notte’s Book of Knowledge

  • Aakesh - Disturbingly intelligent, Aakesh both frightens and excites Harry, who will do anything to keep Aakesh claimed.
  • Aberynth - Last surviving Dryad of a forest burned down in the First War by the People of the Sun.
  • Achaemenid - Shah Achaemenid is ruler of the magical Persian empire. Considered one of the People of the Sun because he can heal by touch.
  • Adam - Adam is a Guardian - specifically, of the Broken. He's quite mad, but all the Broken are.
  • Adeola - One of Notte's currently living nine "first-born" children - that is, a vampire he made himself. She was made approximately 200 BC.
  • Adolf Whitwhisker - A member of the Kin who successfully made a career in criminal justice in the human world.
  • Ahaana Aishwarya - One of Dr. Ranier Blood's patients, Ahaana has the fortune to be part dragon - and a very powerful Kin-dragon mix at that.
  • Ahmose - The grandchild of Kanon the Raven King, Ahmose was a friend and companion of Notte in ancient Kemet.
  • Aiden - Heir apparent to the Scepter and Jaden's nephew, Aiden is a special ball of sunshine.
  • Alex - An impossibility. Half-Broken, half-Ever-Dying, it seems he was conceived in a dream.
  • Alma - A secretary and transcriptionist for the Hush, Alma is a half-troll, half-something-else, and She. Knows. Everything.
  • Aloeric - Sovereign Aloeric is a Nachtkrapp, or Night Raven, whose control over what might be considered Germanic territory is unshakeable.
  • Amnewid - A borrowed Welsh term used for a Kin spell meaning "trade" or "substitution,"
  • Among the Mythos - AMONG THE MYTHOS is a science-fantasy series starring runaway Fey princes, alien Earths, parallel worlds, ancient warriors, and know-it-all brats.
  • Amun - A prince of the People of the Sun, Amun is the great grandson of Notte’s oldest friend, Imn.
  • Anito - "Ancestor spirits" in the Philippines - in reality, members of the Kin who remained there through all upheavals to watch over their descendants.
  • Apple - Apple is Kin. Influential in Notte's life and one of Horse's rescues, she helped teach Notte during his time in the city of Az'Kabek.
  • Arabelle - A Night-Child, fifth-generation from Notte. She is of the now-extinct Thamud, a pre-Islamic people from ancient Saudi Arabia.
  • Arcanum - The observable energy given off when magic-users use their power. More on this under the Magic entry.
  • Ascendance to Peak - The official ceremony crowning a dragon as chief leader, or leader-to-be in the case of age of minority. Currently, this ceremony has been held for Suvi.
  • Az'Kabek - One of the most important cities of Notte’s youth and the last bastion of safety against the ravages of the First War.
  • Bakura - A Sundered One who resembles a lizard-man and has a major hate-on for Harry Iskinder.
  • Balance - See the Saqalu and the Broken.
  • Balphos - A general of the Sun during the First War, responsible for nearly getting Imn killed.
  • Bardsey Island - Bardsey Island: Merlin’s home, location of his glass tower, and numerous shennanigans. Belongs, technically, to Wales.
  • Barry Ballas - A human who happens to also be a monster-hunter.
  • Barton Smith - Barton Smith was the director of the West Branch of the Association before Charles Iskinder. He spent years studying the twins, Elsa and Kai, and his interactions with them changed him for the better.
  • Bek - A city in the world of The Sundered known for violence and aggression
  • Black Water - The mysterious and deadly water that covered the world at the same time the Sundered Ones appeared, four hundred years before Harry Iskinder came onto the scene.
  • Bone Collectors - Bone collectors are a species of wild animal that populates the worlds of The Darkness, primarily Umbra.
  • Bran - His official titles are Prince of Umbra, Lord of Crows, Echelon of Darkness, and Heir to the Darkseed, and he likes to pretend to be a Hollywood-handsome-rogue-pirate.
  • Brett - A Night-Child, made by Terrance.
  • Broken - What remains of the Saqalu. They still wield the awesome power they always did, but they are no longer… stable.
  • Caim - The circle of protection created by the wings of the Broken.
  • Cape Cities - Five southern-most cities in the world of the Sundered, the island-cities curve like a row of dirty pearls on the edge of deep water.
  • Carrier - A creature cobbled together from dead bodies and designed to carry plague.
  • Cassandra - Once a doomed prophetess from ancient Greece cursed to always be correct but disbelieved, her soul is now caught and held in a clam's half-shell called an Echostone.
  • Cataclysm - The date when Earth reached one hundred percent uninhabitable status for carbon-based life.
  • Centaur - Centaurs are a race of horse-humanoid beings with a special affinity for chemistry.
  • Cherufe - The Cherufe is a magma and rock being, similar to a Golem in that its consciousness is lent to it from its maker, and when its body is destroyed, it ceases to exist entirely.
  • Child of the Blood - See Night-Child.
  • Chronos - The blood of Cronus, pure, raw, and unfiltered time.
  • Ciguapa - Resembling a human female with brown or dark blue skin and long, glossy hair, Ciguapa are a semi-aquatic and female-only species. Their knees bend backwards, and their feet resemble curved hands.
  • City-Sprites - Fairies who have chosen to live in cities built by the larger beings of the Mythos, working jobs and having their own keys and credit cards and friends.
  • Claiming - Claiming is the act of taking telepathic control of a Sundered One.
  • Cloaking - "Cloaking" is what Notte calls the ability to hide one's seductive powers as a Night Child.
  • Conflux - A conflux is a magical travel station, where one may legally cross country and world borders with spells.
  • Crenshaw - A stuffed raven, Crenshaw is the last “surviving” bird in Bran’s avian taxidermy collection.
  • Cronus - Little is known about this being who claimed to be a god. When he died, his blood formed the invisible threads that created the tapestry of time.
  • Crossroad - A moment in time in which the threads of time are so tangled that no one can see which way the result will go.
  • Crow King - See Bran.
  • Curse-Eater - A strange cultist focused on the weird idea that eating artefacts of power extends life, grants power, and gives wisdom.
  • Dain - , Dain was made by Mab alone - a dangerous procedure, and one which doesn't usually t
  • Danton - One of the cities in the world of The Sundered, Danton wasn’t doing so well by the time Harry came to visit it.
  • Dark Dream - Think "magical internet."
  • Darkfire - A flame that burns with heat, but no light.
  • Darkiron - Metal made from the world of Umbra. It has the strange properly of absolutely no reflection of light.
  • Darkness - The Darkness include any magical beings with a primary drive to devour or collect.
  • Darkseed - The royal line of the Shadow's Breath, the ruling family of the People of the Darkness.
  • Deep Water - The deepest oceans in the world of the Sundered - deep enough to allow strange, giant predators that arrived at the same time as Sundered Ones.
  • Demos - In the world of The Sundered, Demos and his brother Tomas are scavengers.
  • Devon Deveraux - A Night-Child, an eighth generation descendant from Notte.
  • Devour - To Devour is to utterly, magically consume.
  • Dis - Death’s little sister, she is one of the ancient race of beings known as gods.
  • Diwata - See Anito.
  • Diyagald - The pocket-dimension shared by various dragon clans.
  • Djinn - Guardians, Djinn are a race of fire beings, using flame and heat to fly, to fight, and to protect.
  • Dökkálfar - A stone-like being notable for being roughly the same colors as the materials they dig through - dark soils, granite, etc.
  • Donal - Donal was Fey, and Mab's one-time partner in the creation of the Salted Road. He was the first to craft the Scepter, and the first leader of what became the Seelie Fey.
  • Doom-Light - The light cast by a handful of world-ending spells.
  • Dragons - Some of the most dangerous beings among the Mythos, and not just because of physical size and strength.
  • Dream - The Dream include any people who live between dimensions and subsist on the essence of dreams of others.
  • Dream Leaves - A hallucinogenic plant custom-designed in the world of The Sundered and supposedly designed for stress-relief, unfortunately addictive.
  • Dream-Leeches - Deeply unpleasant. A predator from the People of the Dream.
  • Dryad - A member of The Dream, these beautiful creatures resemble trees.
  • Duel Ball - A celebration of sorts among Fey, though it’s honestly just a chance for Fey from around the world to demonstrate what they can do.
  • Dye Corp - A subsidiary of the Association, which is a creation of the Tohu. In other words, not what it seems.
  • Earth - There are actually multiple “Earths.” Thanks to an accident of magic and quantum physics, the world was split into parallels millennia ago. There are five worlds total – the Ever-Dying Earth and four parallel worlds, officially: The Silver Dawning, home of the Fey The Dream, home of the people of the Dream Umbra, home of ... Read more
  • Echostone - There are only six left, and Bran – a legendary collector – has two of them. One is Cassandra, the doomed prophetess from ancient Greece.
  • Ekek - The Ekek is the male version of a bird-like member of the Dream from the that hunts at night.
  • Elijah - Elijah Tuttle exists in an uneasy place: the creation of a Night-Child from an actual child is utterly forbidden, but here he is
  • Elise - One of Notte's currently living nine "first-born" children - that is, a vampire he made himself. She was made approximately 500 AD.
  • Elsa - One of the Night-Children, made sometime in the She won’t say what her original name was, but it sure as heck wasn’t Elsa.
  • Ever-Dying - The Ever-Dying are humans, so-called because – from the viewpoint of magical beings – they’re dying from the moment they’re born.
  • Exchange - The Exchange is the common term Fey use for their desperate trade-off: they supply entertainment, strength, or some other service, and are given emotional or directly magical payment from their audience or employer.
  • Excision - a term among the Fey for those individuals who have been cut off from the power of the Throne or the Scepter
  • Fail Flower - See plague blossom.
  • Fairies - Fairies live in all inhabited worlds, fit into all Seven Peoples, and usually – though not always – look like tiny humans with wings.
  • Feyan - The common term used for a female presenting member of the Fey.
  • Feyor - The common term used for a male presenting member of the Fey.
  • First Child - The first Night-Child Notte ever created and his greatest love.
  • First-Born - The term used for any vampires Notte created himself.
  • Flame House - The section of Az'Kabek devoted to the People of the Sun.
  • Flare - Also know as the Event: an incident combining an unprecedented solar storm and a mysterious EMP that wiped out most of Earth's 20 billion citizens, destroyed infrastructure, and left humanity on the brink of extinction.
  • Forgotten - Those Ever-Dying who remained behind and suffered through the end of the world.
  • Gajah - Beasts of burden which Notte described as almost like elephants, but not quite.
  • Gerard - A curse-eater, originally a troll, who for some insane reason likes to look like a Hollywood-movie mafioso.
  • Ghosts - Ghosts are what happens when badly wounded people of the Dream desperately cling to mortal memories to keep from fading to nothing.
  • Gleam - The capitol city of the Uneelie Fey, in their world of the Silver Dawning.
  • Golem - The Golem is a constructed creature, made of mud, and its consciousness is lent to it by its maker.
  • Gore Powder - Gore powder – conventionally just called “Gore” – is a drug designed for humans by magical drug dealers. Highly addictive, it removes all pain and discomfort, temporarily enhancing physical strength and mental ability far beyond the human’s natural or practiced skills. It lasts exactly sixty hours from inhaling it, and the moment it fades, leaves ... Read more
  • Gorgades - An interesting and blue-furred hybrid of troll and human from long, long ago. Most of them are female; the very rare males get fairly cushy lives, if you consider “repopulation” to be an easy job.
  • Gorgon - An exclusively female species, and members of the Sun – though you wouldn’t want them healing you.
  • Gorish - Gorish is a Sundered One, and one of the primary characters of The Sundered.
  • Gorishfish - So this is Gorishfish. He goes on adventures.
  • Great Wheel - The Great Wheel the conventionally accepted method of organization for all magical and non-magical sentient inhabitants of planet Earth.
  • Grey - John Barron Grey, né  John Barron MacCarrig, son of Owen MacCarrig, son of Leith of the Stone, son of Eithne the Offspring of Stars, daughter of Mab: runaway Unseelie prince and heir to The Throne.
  • Gryphon - Part birds, part lions and members of the Guardians, Gryphons are aggressive, protective creatures with a long history and sense of tradition.
  • Guardians - Guardians are any magical beings with the primary drive to protect or guard. Unfortunately, they’re all a little crazy.
  • Guhmarish - Guhmarish is a language from before the First War specifically developed specifically for war.
  • H.E.R. - HYPOTHETICAL ENCEPHALON REGULATOR is a limited AI designed to monitor the life support systems of the HOPE FOR HUMANITY’s second ship, captained by Aadhvitha Jahns.
  • Hades - His father, Cronus ate him, for reasons unknown; his sister Dis defeated Cronus and freed him, but he wasn’t right when he came out.
  • Haetae - See Zhi.
  • Haneul - Haneul is part Zhi – a near-extinct shape-shifting people – and part Fey, and currently rules the magical domain including North and South Korea.
  • Harry Iskinder - Harry Iskinder is the main character in the book, The Sundered. He’s nineteen years old and not very tall, to his great lament. 
  • Hashritu - See the Saqalu.
  • Helios - The first true king of the People of the Sun, uniting them under a banner of war and conquest.
  • Hestur - See Horse.
  • Hilaria Merit - Merit is a Fey doctor in a unique position. Very few beings in the world of the Mythos are reborn. Merit is one of them.
  • Hope of Humanity - A mysterious device in the world of the Sundered which can, according to legend, return the Earth to its pre-flood state, removing the Black Water.  No one has been able to find it for centuries.
  • Horlop - A fictional monster in Seelie Fey mythology.
  • Horse - Hestur. Ruler and founder of Az’Kabek. A powerful Kelpie known as the Black Hoof of Abanddon, along with other titles.
  • Huldra - Beings from Scandinavia who tend to use physical intimacy and desire to refill their stolen magic. Claimed by the Throne, they are – unwillingly – considered Unseelie Fey.
  • Hundun - A creature of the Dream, this faceless, dangerous creature doesn’t feed off nightly wandering, but rather the conscious, dizzy state of confusion.
  • Hush - The Hush is essentially international magical police – and they’re fairly scary.
  • Imn - A disenfranchised prince of the People of the Sun, Imn was Notte’s first real friend and the great-great-grandfather of Amun.
  • Inclusion - Notte’s word for the unique and weird magical gifts each of his children has.
  • Inka - Inka is Kin, a deeply rare Dream-Fey crossover. He functions as a World-Walker for Horse in the city of Az’Kabek.
  • Jack Iskinder - Harry’s grandfather. He achieved a good amount of fame in his time, and had a leg made of malleum thanks to an encounter with a Predator.
  • Jacob Engel - In a fight with cancer, Jacob traded his four-year-old son to Death for extra years.
  • Jaden - The current ruler of the Seelie Fey and wielder of the Scepter – which places him in control of far more than only the Seelie Fey.
  • James Marks - The first officer of the HOPE OF HUMANITY II, Marks is a space history buff who barely earned his spot in the HOPE OF HUMANITY fleet.
  • Jason Iskinder - Harry Iskinder’s ancestor, whom SOME consider a hero.
  • Jax - One of Harry’s Travelers, Jax never believed in the Hope of Humanity.
  • Jengu - Mermaid-like, they can communicate with the People of the Dream, and also cure many diseases (which places them in the People of the Sun).
  • Jonathan - Jonathan is a Night-Child, and an impossibility.
  • Joshua Run - Joshua Run is a lawyer, a Black man and friend of Katie Lin, who falls afoul of Ravena in Half-Shell Prophecies.
  • Justin Aishwarya - Justin Aishwarya (bachelor name Kai) is husband to Ahaana, grandson of Xu Kai, and father to a very new baby girl.
  • Kaia - Kaia is a rarity: a female Traveler.
  • Kalarastri - A queen among her people, sometimes worshipped as a goddess, she is of the people of the Darkness, and an avid collector.
  • Kanon - The Raven King’s real name. Bran’s grandfather, he’s an incredibly dangerous creature, and one of the few old enough to know Notte from Notte’s infancy.
  • Katie Lin - Born Katherine Aelwen Lin. For the record, she rarely allows “Kate.”
  • Kelpie - Kelpies have a bad rap, but it’s easy to understand why: the ones left behind tell the tales.
  • Kin - Kin, for the most part, refers to human wizards – that is, humans with something else in them allowing them to do magic.  
  • Kinnara - Half man and half horse beings similar to Centaurs, but mountain-dwelling and fierce warriors.
  • Kokou - Kokou is a powerful shape-shifter from southern Africa who can become a leopard.
  • Krakens - Predators that live in Deep Water and like to pull boats of any size into the water with enormous tentacles.
  • Landfall - Landfall is what humans call surviving land sticking out of the black water that isn’t quite large enough to build on, but isn’t small enough to be considered a tuft.
  • Lisa Anne McGovern - An AI designed around the complete neural replication of a seven-year-old girl, Lisa is designed to handle complicated problem-solving by doing something neither Alice nor H.E.R. could: think illogically and outside the box.
  • Liza - Elizabeth Oshun Thomas is a Night-Child. She was 28 years old when she was made, born and raised in east London. She’s tall, black, and striking.
  • Ljósálfar - A pale, insular breed of magical humanoid, suffering from an inherited lack of pigment. Related (distantly) to the Dökkálfar.
  • Mab - The originator of the Unseelie Fey.
  • Maecenas - See Patron.
  • Magic - Humans can be very slow at ‘getting’ things, but perhaps that only makes sense. After all, they alone among the sentient races do not have the ability to use magic. But why is this? What IS magic?
  • Maja - One of Notte's teachers in the city of Az'Kabek. She was a Spharynx - a cousin of the Sphinx, but a member of the Dream
  • Malleum - The only metal minable in the world of The Sundered.
  • Mananaggal - The female version of an Ekek, a bird-like member of the Dream from the Philippines that hunts at night
  • Marshall - One of Notte's currently living nine "first-born" children - that is, a vampire he made himself. He was made approximately 1740 AD.
  • Match-Head - A derogatory term for the People of the Sun. (You might not want to use it.)
  • Meginnah - An unknown fifth parallel world, created for and by the Guardians who went mad after the First War.
  • Mer-lions - Mer-lions are an aquatic species.
  • Mer’Qel - Empress Mer’Qel is a warrior mermaid who single-handedly united the clans of warring mer-people in the Pacific.
  • Merlin - Myrddin. Katie Lin’s uncle, and one of the most important members of the People of the Kin.
  • Merlin's Tower - One of the more unique structures in the human world, this tower is located on Bardsey Island.
  • Minotaur - Any of a species of humanoid beings resembling oxen.
  • Mooring - The invisible threads which bind a soul to a body.
  • Motherwater - Spoiler territory here. Turn back now, kids.
  • Mythos - The Mythos refers to six of the Seven Peoples of the Earth, i.e. the Sun and the Darkness, the Guardians and the Dream, and the Fey and the Kin.
  • Nachtkrapp - Nachtkrapp, or Night Raven, is a nocturnal member of the Dream.
  • Naga - Serpent-like beings, members of the People of the Darkness.
  • Naiads - A member of The Dream, these beautiful creatures resemble water spirits.
  • Näkki - A shape-shifter water spirit with a nasty habit of sneaking into children’s dreams and drowning them in their sleep.
  • Naraka - A place of suffering and torment. Maybe Hell. Maybe a prison. Maybe the Hush’s primary facility for torture. It could be any of these things, but no one who isn’t in “the know” knows for sure.
  • New Delhi Incident - A world-shattering event taking place during Half-Blood Prophecies that revealed the magical Mythos to the Ever-Dying world.
  • Night Raven - See Nachtkrapp.
  • Night Sky - A meteor with suspicious and possibly sentient abilities.
  • Night-Child - In a word, vampires. There are two branches of Night-Children, but both stem from Notte, as he was the first.
  • Night-Child Terminology - The terminology commonly used by Notte's family:
  • Nightgom - A predator from Umbra.
  • Nightwheat - Nightwheat is a grain grown by the Fey.
  • Notte - He’s one of the oldest living beings among the Mythos. The father of all vampires (or Night-Children, as they’re called), he’s a mystery; no one knows where the heck he came from, or who made him.
  • Num’chadran - See Plague Blossom.
  • Ogres - Subterranean dwellers. They want to be left alone.
  • On-The-Way - The village Hades created for those souls too damaged to move on to the afterlife, but whole enough to inhabit some form of existence.
  • Orcas - Enormous monsters in the Deep Water known for swallowing small boats whole.
  • Original - The Originals are the few beings who survived the First War, and were responsible for essentially rebuilding society among all Seven Peoples.
  • Otherlight - A side-effect of particularly powerful magic conflict, otherlight is not fully understood even by those who regularly cause it.
  • Otoroshi - Among the People of the Guardians, they come with a fearsome appearance.
  • Park - A man Harry runs into while working manual labor in Cape Horn, Park is trying to win a bet by claiming or buying or otherwise acquiring the “unclaimable” Sundered One, Gorish.
  • Parnum - Artemus Parnum is Harry Iskinder’s mentor. He’s brilliant, and deeply determined that mankind survives whatever comes next.
  • Patron - A human being in the business arrangement of willingly supplying blood to a vampire under Notte.
  • Peak - What the dragons generally agree on calling their supreme leader. Currently, this is Xu Kai.
  • Pegasus - See Winged Horse.
  • Phoenix - Bird-like beings who reproduce from the ashes of their parents.
  • Pice ar y maen - Awesome little Welsh cakes. Click for a recpie.
  • Plague Blossom - Plague blossom (also called num’chadran and failure flowers) is an engineered plant designed to combat poisonous fallout from the First War.
  • Plane of Dreams - Home to The People of the Dream, it’s considered an off-limits world. It’s asleep, so to speak; nothing happens there.
  • Project Opals - The title given by the Association to the project and department dedicated to the study of their “captured” Night-Children: Elsa and Kai.
  • Proto-Death - The pieces of them became various entities with purpose, sometimes considered deities. Hades is one.
  • Psychopomp - They've had many titles and roles through all of history, in every culture and time: those who are there when we die, to escort our soul to whatever comes next.
  • Puck - See Robin Goodfellow.
  • Pure - The term used by the Association for humans - Ever-Dying - with no trace of magic in their blood.
  • Quimby - Quimby is a small Sundered One, a low tier. She’s waist-height and star-shaped, with a point for the head, points for arms and legs, and no hands or feet
  • Quinn - Lord Jaden’s majordomo and quite the fussiest Fey ever. But he rather does well his kimonos well.
  • Rai - One of the Night-Children, made sometime in the He won’t say what his original name was, but it sure as heck wasn’t Kai.
  • Ramses Al-Benumm tá Oman - Ramses Al-Benumm tá Oman is a member of The Hush.
  • Ranier Blood - Dr. Ranier Blood is Kin, and one of the only psychologists to successfully straddle the worlds of the Ever-Dying and the Mythos.
  • Raven King - See Kanon.
  • Ravena - A vampire, and Notte’s oldest surviving child (not his first, however).
  • Redeemed - Those Ever-Dying who were offered rescue before the Cataclysm wiped out all life on Earth.
  • Remembered - See Forgotten.
  • Reversal - A “reversal” is the term applied to an unusual but always fatal failure to claim a Sundered One. 
  • Rift - A powerful and rare magic, rifts are the openings – seemingly torn right into the air – that allow the magic user to step from one location to another at some distance.
  • Robin - A powerful and mischievous Fey, Robin is strange fellow who wanders in and out of history.
  • Roderick - One of Notte's currently living nine "first-born" children - that is, a vampire he made himself. He was made approximately 1000 AD.
  • Root Whisperers - A species of Fey with a special relationship with plants.
  • Rosa - Half rusalka, half the breath, officially of the Sun.
  • Rusalka - Water nymphs who feed on negative emotions.
  • Sair Fruit - A special breed of peach which, sadly, no longer exists.
  • Salis Kamialfaod - Salis Kamialfaod is a half-troll member of The Hush, and a decent fellow, in spite of his occupation.
  • Salome - A Night-Child with an unusual skill for dancing.A Night-Child with an unusual skill for dancing. Notte chose her, though he did not personally make her.
  • Sandra - A rarity: there are not many female Travelers, and those who pull it off have to be twice as tough as the males.
  • Saqalu - The Saqalu were once among the noblest beings in our world. Now, they are the Broken.
  • Sauros - Large predators in the Deep Water with ridged backs, long necks, and impenetrable armor.
  • Science-Fantasy - Science-fantasy is a sub-genre of speculative fiction that combines elements from both science-fiction and fantasy.
  • Seishirou - A Night-Child, made by Ravena, and acting as her sword.
  • Seraph - See Djinn.
  • Serpentine - The Serpentine is an elected position, currently occupied by a Naga who goes by Lilith.
  • Seven Peoples - The Seven Peoples of the Earth are the seven identifying categories applied to most sentient beings in the world.
  • Shadow's Breath - The Shadow’s Breath are among the People of the Darkness, and are currently the Darkness' rulers.
  • Shangri-La - One of the cities in The Sundered, very remote from the rest of the world.
  • Shape-Shifter - There are various shape-shifting group among most of the Seven Peoples, and their cultures tend to be built around their abilities.
  • Sharada - The legendary dragon queen with the ability to see the future, who - according to legend - produced both the Red and the Black dragon clans.
  • Sheldon - Jax’s best friend, One of Harry’s Travelers, Sheldon actually joined the Travelers right before Harry took over that group.
  • Shrike - A little-understood creature, these beings – rumored to look like enormous raven-headed dogs – survive only in Umbra.
  • Silver Dawning - The parallel world of the Fey. It’s colorful.
  • Silver Seal - The Silver Seal is a badge of office worn only by the vice-regent of the Seelie Fey.
  • Silvermoon - The capitol city of the Seelie Fey, in their world of the Silver Dawning.
  • Sinaa - Shape-shifter people who resemble jaguars.
  • Sipho - One of Notte's currently living nine "first-born" children - that is, a vampire he made himself.
  • Siphon - A siphon is a magic-user with the ability to draw knowledge, abilities, memories, or power from another being and use it as if it is their own.
  • Sirens - A musically-inclined clan of the of Unseelie Fey, who use music to replace their stolen magical coffers.
  • Six - Six is Kin, a deeply rare Fey-Darkness crossover, and a trained assassin.
  • Slip the Leash - The term for a Sundered One escaping claiming beyond the initial moment of the claim.
  • Slivers - Slivers are the result of a failed attempt to kill a member of the Sun.
  • Snow City - Snow cities are cities in the far north in the world of The Sundered, which basically just means they’re in a cold climate and deal with snow and ice
  • Solomon Iskinder - Jason Iskinder's father, George was a member of the Association who got an up-close-and-personal taste of Notte thanks to two of the Night-Children, Elsa and Kai.
  • Soothsayer - Soothsayers are an odd religious sect in the world of The Sundered.
  • Southern City - Five cities in the world of The Sundered, called Cape Horn, Cape Hope, Cape Heart, Cape Hand, and Cape Harm.
  • Speculative Fiction - Speculative fiction is a broad genre of fiction with any supernatural, fantastical, or futuristic elements.
  • Sphinx - Guardians - currently in a feud with Gryphons for reasons no one besides them know.
  • Sprite - The tiniest of the fairies, their language is completely impossible for anyone but sprites to understand.
  • Standish - A professor at the Academy in Danton in the world of the Sundered, he’s unhappy to be where he is in life, envious of Parnum, resentful of Iskinders in general, and far too curious about Sundered One reproductive habits to be healthy.
  • Steven - Steven Moncrieff is a Wulver, a rare breed of near-extinct shape-shifter.
  • Stolen - The Stolen are those among the Mythos whose magic has been diverted by the Throne or the Scepter.
  • Storied - See Dragons.
  • Sun - The Sun include any magical beings with a primary drive and ability to heal.
  • Sundered Market - A slavery marketplace in the world of the Sundered for people on a budget – and a streak of sadism.
  • Sundered Ones - Powerful but broken creatures, enslaved to keep mankind alive in a flooded world.
  • Sunspot - A type of fairy classified as a member of the Sun due to their ability to “Heal” mood.
  • Suvi - Also known as Vesuvius, also known as the Starling Child, Suvi is the baby dragon prophesied ages ago to reunite the warring Black and Red dragons.
  • Sylphs - Beautiful, ram-horned, and gentle-natured members of the Dream who feed off sleeping humans.
  • Sylvia - A Sylph and member of the Dream who lives on Zenith because of her gift with soul moorings.
  • Tahir - One of Notte's currently living nine "first-born" children - that is, a vampire he made himself. He was made approximately 1000 BC.
  • Tapestry - How prophets and seers see time: a giant glowing tangled knot with light-like threads, constantly changing.
  • Tauri - One of the cities in the world of The Sundered, far north, and thus a Snow City.
  • Teddy Saper - Teddy Saper is an ensign aboard a spaceship.
  • Tenisia - Tenisia is a mid-world city in The Sundered.
  • Terrance - One of Notte’s “first-born,” Terrance is Notte's assassin.
  • Testy - “Testy” is the Sundered name for a human attempt to weaponize the deadly water in the world of The Sundered.
  • The Academy - Institutions of education, they’re private schools for Sundered-handling.
  • The Association - The modern, PR-friendly name for The Tohu – not that those folks have any idea their organization had its beginning in anything other than the human mind.
  • The Beast - The hunger experienced by all Night-Children, or vampires.
  • The Cluster - The elite military leadership of the Seelie Fey in the Silver Dawning.
  • The Fey - Yes. “Fey” is the correct spelling. They use it because while they are fae, and also fay, they are in fact fey, so they are constantly starving to death.
  • The First War - The first war the world ever knew was so great, so horrific, that it literally destroyed the world.
  • The Life - A clan among the Minotaur with a focus on healing and renewing the Earth.
  • The Scepter - See Mab (throne) and Jaden (scepter).
  • The Throne - See Mab (throne) and Jaden (scepter).
  • Thomas Blue - Blue has seen a lot, and before much of the Mythos even came to light, knew more about the Seven Peoples than even some of the Peoples themselves.
  • Thomas Iskinder - Harry Iskinder’s father in The Sundered.
  • Thralla Con Vishtnath - It it an imperative: eat the world.
  • Toddy - The youngest of Harry Iskinder’s Travelers, Toddy is eager and just young enough to feel invincible, even on the black water.
  • Tohu - The name means “void,” which implies their purpose: that until silence and emptiness is reached, the world will never know peace.
  • Tomas - In the world of the Sundered, Tomas is Demos’ younger brother.
  • Tongue of the Damned - The language spoken by Kalarastri and her Sisterhood.
  • Tovias - A younger member of the Saqalu and Notte’s close friend during the latter’s adolescence.
  • Travelers - Treasure hunters in the world of The Sundered who make their living scavenging goods from the world ruined by the black water.
  • Troll - The source of “dwarf” rumors – but only because of young trolls, who tended to run out of the mountain mines to have fun in the daylight.
  • Truedark - Part of the electromagnetic spectrum only extant in Umbra and some of Umbra’s pocket dimensions.
  • Tufts - Tufts are small, fist-wise fingers of earth sticking up from through the black water covering the world in The Sundered.
  • Turnall - An ancient and great leader of the Dream.
  • Ultra Quod Rerum Natura Patitur - The phrase is Latin, and it roughly translates to, "beyond what the nature of things allows. "
  • Umbra - The home of the Darkness.
  • Undoing - A near-complete destruction of the world of Umbra, in which the planet's core almost became a black hole.
  • Urayuli - Ten feet tall and with glowing eyes, the Urayuli are a shaggy-skinned people currently live in southwestern Alaska.
  • Votary - One who is in the process of application to become a Night-Child in Notte’s family.
  • Wall of Time - A construct created from the bodies, blood, and bones of the Saqalu after the First War.
  • Wild Hunt - A contingent of rebellious young “gods” who were disenfranchised after the general cultural fall of the Norse Mythos empire.
  • Wildlings - Fairies who choose to live away from the cities of larger beings among the Mythos.
  • Wind - The wind is very much alive. She is also Notte's friend.
  • Winged Horse - Native to east Asia, these animals are spread across the known worlds.
  • Withdraw - When a member of the Dream leaves the waking world behind and slips somewhere between reality and the void
  • World-Walker - A skill nearly lost, world-walking belongs to those who can simply walk from parallel world to parallel world.
  • Wraith - Wraiths are pieces of beings who have died and who can never be whole, for most of their essential selves has been destroyed.
  • Wulver - Shape-shifting members of the Guardians, these peaceful creatures originated in the British Isles, and transform from wolf to man.
  • Xenos Corsair - Not much is known about this human. Ever-Dying, he was a member of The Association, and acting captain the day Elsa and Rai entered into their care. You can read more about that story here: THE DEAL.
  • Xiezhi - Part lion and part dragon, the Xiezhi are guardians who go on the offensive.
  • Xu Kai - He’s old and wise (as one might expect), and fairly brave. Most of the green and yellow dragons hid underground centuries ago, but not Xu Kai.
  • Yaoguai - See Yokai.
  • Yokai - Also called Yaoguai, this term applies to Kin who have not been accepted into another of the Seven Peoples, and refuse to accept it. Obsessed with joining their magical parents in one or another People, they can be dangerous, constantly gathering power and favors in the attempt to finally find legitimacy.
  • Yu - One of Notte's currently living nine "first-born" children - that is, a vampire he made himself. He was made approximately 150 AD.
  • Zār - Iranian Zār—Stolen Fey—ruled part of Persia called Anshan.
  • Zenith - The world of the People of the Sun.
  • Zhi - A near-extinct group who could shape-shift into horned beasts. Their strength and ferocity were legend, but their low birth-rate led to gradual vanishishing.
  • Zimwi - A shape-shifter being from Kenya, the Zimwi are people of the Darkness who transform from humanoid to lion-like creatures.