The deepest portion of the Black WaterThe mysterious and deadly water that covered the world at the same time the Sundered Ones appeared, four hundred years..., at the edge of which humans stopped building, and in which there are no major islands.
Strange predators live in that water since the Sundered OnesPowerful but broken creatures, enslaved to keep mankind alive in a flooded world. Appear, and cities near the edge of Deep Water have to deal with attacks from SaurosLarge predators in the Deep Water with ridged backs, long necks, and impenetrable armor., OrcasEnormous monsters in the Deep Water known for swallowing small boats whole., and Kraken.
The most well-known and important cities along that edge are the Cape CitiesFive southern-most cities in the world of the Sundered, the island-cities curve like a row of dirty pearls on the...: Cape Horn, Cape Harm, Cape Hope, Cape Hand, and Cape Heart.