A human being in the business arrangement of willingly supplying blood to a vampire under NotteHe’s one of the oldest living beings among the Mythos. The father of all vampires (or Night-Children, as they’re called),... More. Previously called MaecenasSee Patron. More. Notes:
- There is a one-year time limit on being a Patron. After that, a six month break is required before one is allowed to resume.
- A Patron is distinct from a VotaryOne who is in the process of application to become a Night-Child in Notte’s family. More, and one rarely crosses over to the other. The accusation is that Notte views prey and predatory differently, even among humans.
- While Patron, all financial needs are met, as well as other physical needs from horses to cars to sex.
- The health of the Patron doesn’t actually matter, but Notte’s law requires them to be healthy enough that the light loss of blood won’t cause their deaths.