
The source of all “vampire” rumors, Night-Children are an ancient and frightening breed, and very difficult to kill. With three exceptions, they can only be made from humans. Any magic in the blood resists the transformation.

Once they are made, transformed into something far different from human, several key details remain: one, no matter ethnic heritage, all of them have the same green eyes, which have a tendency to glow.

Two, they all carry a hunger they call the Beast—a mad bloodlust, which, if ignored, drives the Night-Child insane. They must drink human blood, though it does not need to be to the death.

Three, they all inherit an ability they call going to dust. It’s called “dust” because that’s what it looks like—dust motes swirling in sunlight. It isn’t dust, however. It’s impossible to retain, control, or stop; it can pass through any solid surface, and travel at unbelievable speeds. No one fully understands how this works.

Notte controls his family strictly. Ravena, not so much, though even they may not cross certain lines. 

They DO have a heartbeat, but it is very slow. They seem to have no limit to the blood they can drink, which is deeply confusing. So far, science has failed to reveal just where all the blood goes when swallowed. Night-Children do not need a full physical form to function. While removing (or damaging) the head can kill them, it’s not a guarantee. Loss of limbs or organs or even much of the torso is no guarantee of death, either. If the vampire is able to go to dust, they will heal. Wood is their primary weakness. It enters their system, burns, damages, and prevents healing. If there’s too much wood in a vampire’s body, they can’t even go to dust. Sunlight only affects vampires far down the bloodline from Notte. Usually, around the fourth generation, sunburns make an appearance. By the time we reach the tenth generation, Night-Children must avoid the bright sunlight or face burns.