
The Ekek is the male version of a bird-like predator of the Dream from the that hunts at night. The primary difference between the genders is this: the Ekek stays in one piece. The female Mananaggal, on the other hand, separates and hides the lower half of its body to keep potential young safe from predators while it hunts. They’re ghostly, and have great power in the realm of dreams. In fact, the Ekek and Mananaggal are among the few members of the Dream to stay on Earth after the First War.

In dreams, it slashes and mutilates its victims, ending by feasting on their hearts. Victims wake up shaken, weak, and sickly, usually unable to recall the dream. Sometimes they recover. Sometimes, they don’t, and live the rest of their lives suffering grave anxiety that cannot be repaired. The Ekek’s primary weapons are blade-like wings and deadly-sharp beak.