AMONG THE MYTHOS is a science-fantasy series starring runaway Fey princes, alien Earths, parallel worlds, ancient warriors, and know-it-all brats. Sign up for free books and sneak-peeks in your email, peruse the wiki for trivia, and bug the author for information (and encourage her to write faster). It’s also an expression used by those of magical descent to introduce themselves: “Among the MythosThe Mythos refers to six of the Seven Peoples of the Earth, i.e. the Sun and the Darkness, the Guardians..., I am [__People__], called [__Name__].”
For example: “Among the Mythos, I am Night-ChildIn a word, vampires. There are two branches of Night-Children, but both stem from Notte, as he was the first., called JonathanJonathan is a Night-Child, and an impossibility..” “Among the Mythos, I’m Kin, called Katie LinBorn Katherine Aelwen Lin. For the record, she rarely allows “Kate.”.”