One of Notte’s currently living nine “first-born” children – that is, a vampire he made himself. She was made approximately 200 BC.
Adeola is a priestess of an extinct faith, and has maintained her beliefs in her spirituality throughout the centuries. A deeply empathic woman, she’s an expert at helping her fellow Night-Children reconcile personal beliefs with new existence as vampires. Deeply introspective, she’s also skilled in finding meaning through the historical events Night-Children have experienced, and spends much of her time deep in meditation. She is one of the few living beings whose word NotteHe’s one of the oldest living beings among the Mythos. The father of all vampires (or Night-Children, as they’re called),... More will accept without much second-guessing. If Adeola is to be believed, there is a leopard in the moon who will eventually eat, then birth all the living into a new world.