Hunger: unknown.
Prime power: terrible.
World: unknown.
“Lost” is a misnomer. Born of the conquering mindset the Scepter and the Fey to initially define those living beings who went unclaimed by the Seven PeoplesThe Seven Peoples of the Earth are the seven identifying categories applied to most sentient beings in the world. More, it now does encompass more than any mortal mind may hold.
Gods. Demons. Psychopomps. Those things which eschew names and descriptions as worthless and ill-fitted.
Many live outside of reality in a void, possibly of their own creation; Fey portals travel through this non-space, occasionally granting a glimpse of some, though too close of one brings madness to those who arrive on the other side.
Too, are those who are not native to EarthThere are actually multiple "Earths." Thanks to an accident of magic and quantum physics, the world was split into parallels... More, even as it was before it shattered. Of these, less said is better said; they are frightening, for none know what drives them.