This is, in essence, the royal line of the Shadow’s BreathThe Shadow’s Breath are among the People of the Darkness, and are currently the Darkness' rulers. More, who also happen to be the ruling family of the People of the Darkness. “Seed” refers to the, ahem, male contribution to the family line. BranHis official titles are Prince of Umbra, Lord of Crows, Echelon of Darkness, and Heir to the Darkseed, and he... More held the title last, inherited from KanonThe Raven King’s real name. Bran’s grandfather, he’s an incredibly dangerous creature, and one of the few old enough to... More. Now, it belongs to Natural ScottOne of two licensed Kin detectives in Boston, Nate Scott is clever, dangerous, and elegant. Of the Kin, specifically Ever-Dying... More.