The blood of CronusLittle is known about this being who claimed to be a god. When he died, his blood formed the invisible... More, pure, raw, and unfiltered time. Normally, it’s inaccessible, but during the First WarThe first war the world ever knew was so great, so horrific, that it literally destroyed everything. More, members of the People of Darkness managed to gather a lot of it for the purpose of destroying the SaqaluThe Saqalu were once among the noblest beings in our world. Now, they are the Broken. More. It didn’t work – the Saqalu’s wings were able to hold it back – but it could not be dispersed or destroyed, and it does not degrade. In the end, the Saqalu used their own bodies and bones and blood to make the Wall of TimeA construct created from the bodies, blood, and bones of the Saqalu after the First War. More in MeginnahAn unknown fifth parallel world, created for and by the Guardians who went mad after the First War. More, behind which they hold that flood of chronos. No one knows what to do with it. If it gets loose, there’s no knowing what it will do. The few loose drops of chronos anyone knows about destroyed what they touched, aging it to the point of complete and total death.