The first Night-ChildIn a word, vampires. There are two branches of Night-Children, but both stem from Notte, as he was the first. More NotteHe’s one of the oldest living beings among the Mythos. The father of all vampires (or Night-Children, as they’re called),... More ever created and his greatest love. She figured out Notte was damaged early on, but by that point, she’d grown to love him in all his clumsy, weird, silent ways. Her decision to stay with him – as well as her hunting preferences – shaped Notte for the rest of time. She was a survivor, an intelligent and resourceful woman – and patient, which was important, given Notte’s condition. Unfortunately, the First WarThe first war the world ever knew was so great, so horrific, that it literally destroyed everything. More caught up with her, and being trapped between two warring factions, she was killed.