A disenfranchised prince of the People of the SunThe Sun include any magical beings with a primary drive and ability to heal., Imn was Notte’s first real friend and the great-great-grandfather of AmunA prince of the People of the Sun, Amun is the great grandson of Notte’s oldest friend, Imn..
A deserter in the First War, he was used and abused in Az’Kabek and married to RavenaA vampire, and Notte’s oldest surviving child (not his first, however). in a mad attempt to preserve peace. Obviously, that didn’t work, and after it all went so very wrong, he fled south.
NotteHe’s one of the oldest living beings among the Mythos. The father of all vampires (or Night-Children, as they’re called),... found his family again later in Egypt – Kemet – making a good living as a local god, far enough away from everybody to ruffle no feathers, and he seemed happy if a bit… singed.
A bitter god is a dangerous god, yes?